Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good News and More Waiting

I found out last week that I will be going back on active duty as a Navy Chaplain, but with a twist.  I have to wait until at least October until I get back out in the fleet.  So, while I know that I have a job in the future I have to do a bunch more waiting.  And it is getting quite tedious and frustrating.  But while I have to sit around unemployed for a bit longer (well at least not getting a pay check), it does offer some opportunities.  I get to head back to Montreat another week which is something new for me.  Usually I only get to go in one block but now I am going back at two separate times doing a job I found I really enjoy.  I will get to travel and visit friends a bit more before going back on active duty so that if I get sent overseas I will have been able to see people before that happens.  And I get to make sure everything I want to do on the house gets completed as I now have plenty of time for that to happen.  Of course, I get to do some serious PT to get ready (once a pulled back muscle heals).  I would say I could do some more blogging, but it has never really been a priority of mine so I won't make promises I can't keep.  But I will get to tinker with the blog and figure out how to best utilize the internet in general once I get some orders.  I want to employ all tools and technology to reach the sailors and Marines that I will serve in a manner that helps them and puts resources at their fingertips.  I plan to post my personal sermons in this space and use this as an outlet to minister to those of my faith group.  I also envision a blog for the command to which I will arrive that will have resources for all faiths and is accessible from the field and afar so everyone can sustain their faith in a substantial way.  If the few who read this have suggestions feel free to offer them here. 

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