Thursday, July 29, 2010

The End is Near

Last Saturday I cleared the final hurdle in getting ordained as a Navy Chaplain (besides waiting for the Navy paperwork trail to catch up to me) when I went before my presbytery for final verbal examination.  I have to admit I was slightly nervous as they can ask any question they feel so moved to do regarding my theology, call, etc.  I only received three questions before someone had heard enough and moved to arrest the exam, but I was pleased with the types of questions they asked and how they directly related to my call.  One was how I would implement the theology of my statement of faith as a Navy Chaplain (not too bad as my being a Chaplain was a basis for the statement of faith), one on how I would handle a conscientious objector and the other as to how I would handle baptisms with military members in regards to the Presbyterian belief regarding baptism.  Apparently they were satisfied with my answers and now I am cleared to get ordained on August 22nd and will then be waiting for all the paper work to clear so I can get back on active duty. 


blunoz said...

Congrats and hooray for progress. I look forward to seeing your posts from out in the fleet.

Bubblehead Chaps said...

@Blunoz, you may be seeing me close up in the fleet as there is a shortage of chaplains up where you are heading and I am pretty sure they are sending me to a gapped billet.