Monday, January 3, 2011

Short Week in Review (28-29 December 2010)

So I only had to work two days last week in between the two 96 hour liberty periods that we got for the holidays.  They delayed going into base for two hours on Tuesday, but I wasn't sure it was real and went in anyways as well as my RP.  A few others were in early with most getting the message and coming in at 1000.  With most of the Marines on leave, the RP and I got a ton of admin completed in two days.  I had already scheduled some time to make myself available for dinner at the chow hall those days so there was a bit of extra time for me to get things done.  We got most of the planning for the next few months completed (as well as the paperwork to track said planning), RP's end of tour award is done and his eval is in routing.  I got an ethics seminar outline and a train the trainer outline completed as well as the liturgies for the January Field Exercise done.  We also got the kosher meals requests completed and made a visit to the school the battalion has adopted.  I finally got my office cleaned up and situated with the time to make that happen.  An important thing was done as I got my tactical vest put together and ready for use.  I still don't know why they give you a used vest that is taken apart and chance the fact we'd put it together wrong.  I don't think I'll get that much admin done in such a short time again, especially with required annual training happening this week, another shortened week as we don't have to be back to work until tomorrow. 

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