It has been a while since posting here, but the 1/9 families have seen the recent photos so know why the posting has been light. We just got back last weekend from an amazing week in NYC for Fleet Week. For more than twenty years, the city has invited various units who are recently returned from deployment and treated them to a week of high class living and hospitality that is unmatched. For the USMC battalion chosen to participate, it means having to endure four days at sea (two up there and two back.) For those who are prone to sea sickness, at first this seems a bit unbearable for a week in a liberty port, but once they man the rails the Marines and Sailors begin to understand just how special this week will turn out.
I'm not sure if words can describe entering New York harbor by sea passing under the Verrazano-Narrows bridge and seeing the Statue of Liberty right in front of you. It gave everyone a true appreciation of what our ancestors felt like when they came through to Ellis Island (another sight just past Lady Liberty). Soon after that we passed lower Manhattan and rendered honors to the former WTC site, another powerful event I am blessed to know I participated in something so special.
I had always hoped to participate in Fleet Week as part of the official party and can't believe I finally got to head up there, more so that I was able to participate with the Walking Dead following our deployment to Afghanistan. Many military members make a trip to NYC for Memorial Day Weekend to take in some of the love, but they miss out on so much of the whole experience. (Though I'm convinced I might just need to travel to NYC with a uniform for the rest of my life).
Everyone had a different experience over the week. There are so many different events that we have to split up into many groups all over the area to make those commitments. Guys participated in parades, displays in Times Square, CNBC shows, Mets games, golf outings, raid demonstrations at various parks in the area, giving tours on the ship, attending dinners, ringing the NYSE bell, leading worship for various faith groups, Jimmy Fallon show, the Daily Show, Today Show, Fox and Friends, giving interviews, a Katy Perry concert (where one Dead Walker kissed her on stage), Tim McGraw concert, the Men In Black 3 premier, and just walking around in uniform talking to the people of NYC.
Even though we got a bunch of free stuff from the events we attended as well as from random people buying us drinks and dinners, I think the most memorable event was on Tuesday 29 May. Early that morning we all loaded up on ferries to lower Manhattan to go for a little run. Most of the Marines were a bit upset at having to get up so early and dealing with an early liberty time the night before as everyone without another event was required to go on this run. It was a 1.5 mile run around lower Manhattan to the WTC memorial where we laid a wreath at the end of the run. Nothing compares to people running out of their offices to take photos of a column of Marines running to cadence in NYC on their way to pay respects to those who lost their lives on 9/11. I highly recommend taking in the memorial if you are ever in NYC.
Thanks New York, it was a week I'll never forget.